
The Hokuen (Northern) Area (Tenryu, Haruno, Sakuma, Misakubo, Tatsuyama), 90% of which is surrounded by forests, is abundant in greenery and home to lakes and rivers. Through the center runs the mighty Tenryu River. The area displays history and traditional culture as influenced by these surroundings. A wide variety of outdoor leisure can be enjoyed here in the magnificent natural settings. Various types of traditional culture as well as the simple lifestyle of the local people can be seen here.

Hamamatsu City Misakubo Serow and Interactive Museum (Misakubo Field Museum)

hamamatsu_city_misakubo_serow_and_interactive_museum_misakubo_field_museum-1 At this facility you can learn about the nature of this district and the ecology of the “serow”, a type of deer, which is a designated national treasure of nature. Japanese Serow and Forest Experience Center (Kamoshika no Mori Taikenkan) offers an experience to learn about and feel the nature in Misakubo. It consists of three parts: Exhibition Corner, Nature Corner, and Multipurpose Room. Exhibition Corner displays stuffed Japanese Serow (Kamoshika) with introduction to its biology, characteristics, and species. Nature Corner introduces the nature in Misakubo. Multipurpose Room is available for meetings and workshops.

Contact – Hamamatsu City Misakubo Serow and Interactive Museum (Misakubo Field Museum)

96-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Yamazumi, Hamamatsu City (Hamamatsu-shi), Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4103, Japan Entrance: Adults ¥150, high school students ¥100, free for jr. high school students and younger Close: Mondays (Tuesday instead if Monday is a national holiday), and New Year’s holidays Hour: 9:00-16:00 Tel: 053-987-1200

Website: http://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/hamahaku/09annex/hakubut06.htm

Takane Castle

takane_castle-1 This castle is located at the far northern end of the Enshu district on the top of Mt. Kuzugo, also known as Sankakuyama (lit. triangular mountain) which is 420m high. The castle was largely restored by Shingen Takeda and Katsuyori, father and son, and was used as a stronghold for border guards, overlooking the main roads. The gate with a watch tower was also restored to such an extent that visitors really get the feeling of being in a mountain castle from the age of wars. The seiroyagura (watch tower), mounds, and the gate were reconstructed and make a part of the Takane-jo Park. The view from the top is spectacular. It takes 15 minutes by walk to get from its parking space.

Contact – Takane Castle

160-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Jitogata, Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4102, Japan Tel: 053-982-0001 (Misakubo District Administration Center), 0539-82-0008 (Mizukubo Industry Division)

Website: http://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/maps/t-takanecastle.htm

Misakubo Auto-Camping Site

misakubo_auto-camping_site-1 It is breathtaking to see this gorgeous natural site surrounded by peaks and valleys. Located at the northern end of Shizuoka Prefecture and western end of Nagano Prefecture & Aichi Prefecture, nestled in the mountains, 2000m above sea level. Enjoy the taste of Misakubo nature with horse Rental, luxury outdoor restaurant, cooking facilities, Toilet, fireworks, parking, multipurpose hall and fishing equipment.

Contact – Misakubo Auto-Camping Site

4192-2 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan TEL and FAX: 053-987-2816 (reservation basis) [27 camp sites, superintendent’s office, restrooms, furnaces, sinks, etc.] For more details, please call the number above. Fee: Overnight Stay – ¥6,000 per site (for 1 car) Daytime camping – ¥2,000 / 3 hrs. (11:00 ~16:00) ¥500 each extra hour Rental – Tent ¥2,500, mat ¥500

Website: http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~marronni/

Misakubo Regional Museum (Misakubo Minzoku Shiryokan)

misakubo_regional_museum-1 Misakubo flourished as a posting station of Shio no Michi (literally, a road of salt), the road that was surrounded by precipitous mountains and connected Shinshu and Enshu. The museum provides insights into its history from the ancient time. In June 1997, Misakubo Regional Museum was opened to preserve Misakubo’s important heritages and to exhibit the transition of customs, manners, and culture in its history. 1097 Jitogata, Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) , Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4102, Japan Admission: Adults: 150 yen, High School Students: 100 yen Close: Mondays (except holidays), Days after Holidays, New Year’s Holidays. Hours: 9:00am-4:00pm Tel: 053-987-1620 (Misakubo Regional Museum), 053-982-0013 (Mizukubo Regional Development Division)

Email: mb-c…@city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp

Website: http://www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/lifeindex/enjoy/culture_art/minzok…

Misakubo Festival (Misakubo Matsuri)

misakubo_festival_misakubo_matsuri-1 The most famous festival is the aptly named Misakubo Matsuri (Misakubo Festival) which held on September 17 – 18 in Misakubo Shopping District. The the two-day festival features the largest fancy-dress contest in the Enshu region during the daytime, and fireworks and parades with floats at night. The groups which participate in the festival combine the theme songs of various cities, towns, and villages with regional dances and other performance elements and present each of their choreographed routines and musical pieces. During the day of the festival the floats and performers travel round the town performing for the leaders of each area and the best performances are rewarded. The evenings are a traditional Yatai festival where wooden carved floats are pulled around the town by the revelers.

Address: Misakubo Festival at Misakubo Shopping District

Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan

Contact: Tenryu Mizukubo Branch Chamber of Commerce

Telephone: 053-987-0432 Fax: 053-987-1994

Website: http://misakubo.sakura.ne.jp/

Indusry Festival

Indusry Festival reminds the atmosphere of the former post town of Misakubo Shopping District, which is held during early November. The shopping district of Misakubo temporary closes to motor traffic, reviving the atmosphere of a post town in the Edo period. Stalls sell local products.
Contact: Tenryu Mizukubo Branch Chamber of Commerce Telephone: 053-987-0432

Website: http://e-tensho.com/information/information.cgi?mode=view&no=91

Tug of War for Border Settlement between Shizuoka and Nagano

Every year, youths from Misakubo [Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) in Hamamatsu City (Hamamatsu-shi), Shizuoka Prefecture] and Minamishinano [Minamishinano Village (Minamishinano-mura) in Iida City (Iida-shi), Nagano Prefecture] have a tug of war to set the border between them. The border moves 1m to the loser side. This yearly tug-of-war competition is held on October 23 (fourth Sunday in October) at Kunitori Park (Hyokoshi Pass).

Contact – Tug of War Border Settlement Festival (Kuni-Tori Tsunahiki)

Kunitori Park (Hyokoshi Pass) Minamishinanoyaegouchi/ [Minamishinano Village (Minamishinano-mura), Iida City (Iida-shi), Nagano Prefecture 399-1311, Japan [35.270840287816,137.9323251291] Tel. 0260-34-2277 (Minamishinano), 053-987-0432 (Misakubo)

Minamishinano Border Website Link: http://www.tohyamago.com/event/tunahiki/index.php

Misakubo Border Website Link: http://www.hamamatsu-inaka.com/event-tougetsunahiki.html

Nishiura Dengaku

Nishiura Dengaku festival is an agricultural ceremony designated as a significant intangible folk cultural asset of Japan, characterized by dreamy kamen-no-mai (dance of mask). The total of 47 dances is performed. This event is held on January 18-19 [in Japanese calendar (9, 10)] at Nishiura Kannon Temple.
Contact – Nishiura Kannon Temple 5222 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan TEL: 053-987-1791, 053-982-0013 Website Links for Nishiura Dengaku:



Cherry Salmon Catch Contest

Cherry Salmon Catch Contest is held on Late July at Okina River. It is a contest to catch yamame, or cherry salmons, released in the Okina River.
Address: Okina River
4619, Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Tenryu-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan

Yamazumi Shrine (Yamazumi Jinjya)

yamazumi_shrine Yamazumi Shrine is well-known for its cult of wolf-worship. It is said that the shrine was founded in 709, when Oyamazu no Kami, or generally called Yamazumi Daigongen, was invited here from Iyo province (present-day Matsuyama Pref.). People in the region believed wolves were the gods who kept wild boars and deers away from their farms. There is a legend that Tokugawa Ieyasu was saved during the Battle of Mikagahara in 1572 when the wolves’ howls scared away his opponents.

Two cedars at the Yamazumi Shrine, believed to be planted in 709. It is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu visited the shrine prior to the Battle of Mikatahara to pray to these trees for victory in 1573. These two cedars are 40m & 41m height and both are 1300-year-old trees near the shrine are designated as a protected species of Shizuoka Prefecture.
Contact – Yamazumi Shrine (Yamazumi Jinjya) 230 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Yamazumi, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4103, Japan Tel: 053-987-1179


Nuno (Nunotaki) Waterfall in Kiridoshi Gorge (Canyon)

Nuno (Nunotaki) Waterfall is in the midst of Kiridoshi Gorge (Canyon), about 50m in height along the Kawachi mountainside (Kawachigawa) prefectural forest. You can meet many different animals and plants. Nunotaki is about 2 km from the No. 152 national highway in the direction of Yamazumi shrine.

Nunotaki Waterfall Hot Spring

Address: 434-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Yamazumi, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4103 , Japan Bathing fee: ¥600

Tel: 0539-87-2217

Misakubo Dam

The Misakubo Dam (Misakubo Damu) on the Tonaka River is a tributary stream of the Misakubo River, itself a tributary of the Oi River. Unlike other dams on the Oi River, the Misakubo is a rock-fill dam. Water from the dam is also diverted to the Sakuma Dam, where it provides increased flow to the hydroelectric power plant there. The Misakubo Reservoir created by the dam has been stocked with carp and Japanese smelt and is a popular fishing location due to its ease of access via Japan National Route 152.

Address: Misakubo Dam

1494 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Jitogata, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4102 , Japan

Figure: Map of Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho), Hamamatsu

Transportation – Getting Around Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) in Hokuen (Northern) Area of Hamamatsu [See Misakubo Area Map Above]:

By Train:

[Misakubo Serow and Forest Interactive Museum] JR Hamamatsu Station → Toyohashi station ~ lida Line ~ get off at Misakubo Station (150min.) → by car (40min.) .

By Train and Bus:

[Misakubo Serow and Forest Interactive Museum] Enshu Railway Nishikajima Line Shin Hamamatsu Station → Nishikajima Station (32min.) → transfer to the Entetsu Bus “Hokuen Honsen” → get off at Misakubocho (96min.) → by car (40min.)

Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Tourism Contacts:

Mizukubo Tourist Association/ Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku) Chamber of Commerce, Mizukubo Branch/ Mizukubo volunteer tour guide association

2950 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu City (Hamamatsu-shi), Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan Tel: 053-987-0432 Fax: 053-987-1994

Email: misa…@e-tensho.com

Mizukubo Tourist Association Website: http://www.misakubo.net/
Tenryu Chamber of Commerce: http://e-tensho.com/profile/misakubo.html

Sannokyo Hot Spring

sannokyo_hot_spring 2299-9 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Jitogata, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4102, Japan Bathing fee: ¥200

Tel: 053-987-0938

Misakubo Chartered bus and taxi

2955-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu City (Hamamatsu-shi), Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan Tel: 053-987-0118 Fax: 053-987-0776

Website: http://i-success21.jp/member/misakubo-taxi/

Mizukubo village path

It is a shop of the forestry association. You will find virious agricultural products. Check the wooden sign of Mizukubo village path. Address: 248-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Jitogata, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4102, Japan

Tel: 053-987-1921

Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku) Forest Office, Misakubo Branch

(Responsible for Tenryu forest recreation such as fishing, climbing) Address: 3281-5 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu, Tenryu Ward, Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan Tel: 053-987-0616, 053-987-0370, 053-987-0372, 053-588-5591 Fax: 053-588-5595

Tenryu Forest Website: http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kanto/apply/publicsale/tenryu/te100623.html

Central Agricultural Cooperatives Enshu Brach Offices: http://www.ja-shizuoka.or.jp/enchu/about/branch_head/

Mizukubo Industry Division

2955-1 Misakubo town (Misakubo-cho) Okuryoke, Hamamatsu City (Hamamatsu-shi), Tenryu Ward (Tenryu-ku), Shizuoka Prefecture 431-4101, Japan TEL: 0539(82)-0008 FAX: 0539(82)-0021

Website: http://www.sanson.or.jp/mura/mura126/frame1.html

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