Events and Festivals around Nemuro Peninsula – Tourist Attractions, Nemuro City (Nemuro-shi)

On the first of January, many tourists rush to Cape Nosappu. Seeing the earliest sunrise in Japan at the cape makes them feel refreshed and purified. Another year of struggle for the return of Northern Territories begins.

Cycling of the coastline (July)

Since 1985, cycling the coastline between Nemuro and Shibetsu is established as a big event of summer, with our dearest and unanimous wish for the return of Northern home islands taken by force and still under illegal occupation of Russia. A ceremonial meeting of demand for the return of Northern territories and memorial festival of Northern territories are also held, and many Cyclists of all ages join in.

Bettoga river raft contest (July)

The Bettoga river raft contest, held in the beginning of June, has become a indispensable summer event. More elaborate hand-made rafts are brought year after year, on which spectators feast their eyes.

Nemuro Port Festival (August)

In the height of summer, in the middle of August, the Nemuro port festival was first held in the festive season;accompanied by various events like parades of brass bands, dance parades of thousands, the valiant boat rowing race, and other delightful attractions.

Grand festival of Kotohira (August)

As one of three splendid festivals in Hokkaido, the grand festival of Kotohira Shintoist shrine is held on 9th, 10th and 11th of August. Embraced by the festive color of floats and beat of Japanese drums, Nemuro citizens celebrate this festival by shouldering a two-ton heavy portable shrine through every street, praying for a big haul of fish.

Sand Sculpture Festival (August)

Greating Sand sculptures on the seashore of Tomoshiri is something more than mere outdoor recreation of short summer. It allows us to embrace the opportunity to promote better understanding of natural beauty of the coastline of Nemuro to clean the beach.

Nosappu Marathon (August)

With the aim to promote better understanding of a national movement of demand for the return of Northern Territories, the first Nosappu marathon was held in 1991. All runners start from the monument of a symbolic bridge over the four island. Three courses are provided, 24 kilometers, 10 kilometers and 3.7 kilometers eguiralent to the distance to Kaigara island, the closest tiny island inthe whole Northern Territories. Since 1991, the winner of the Nosappu marathon is formally invited to participate in the Honolulu marathon.

Nemuro Crab Festival (September)

When September winds begin to blow, the lively Nemuro crab festival is held. The main attraction is the red-hot boiled Hanasaki crab. Their exquisite taste draws national attention and attracts many nation-wide tourists to the festival every year.




