Ashikaga is very proud of its nature and history. Ashikaga is surrounded by green mountains and the city is divided by the Watarase River. Ashikaga, with great pride, offers you many historical and cultural heritages including Ashikaga Gakko (Ashikaga school), the oldest school in Japan and Bannaji temple which is closely connected to the Ashikaga shogunate. More than 3,000 students from all over Japan made their during the Muromachi periods, Ashikaga Gakko (Ashikaga school) became the educational center of Japan.
Named after an ancient Muromachi Shogunate, Ashikaga is a famous place for textiles, and also contains several fine temples. Bannaji Temple was the Shogun’s private temple and was built to protect from his enemies. The main building has been designated a National Treasure. A good time to be in Ashikaga is during the New Year’s Parade. The festivities take place in February, when 200 people dress-up as armor-clad warriors and march through the city. The ceremonies also coincide with Setsubun, when people toss beans out of their houses to ward off evil spirits. In summer the fireworks festival takes place on the first Saturday of August. The two-hour display began in 1903 and is said to be the most spectacular fireworks festival in eastern Japan.
The city is well known for its textiles since old times, but in more recent years it tuning into a commercial and industrial city specializing in aluminum, machinery metals, and plastic engineering.
The city lies 80 kilometers away to the north of Tokyo, and is bordered by Sano city on the east, Kiryu city on the west, Ota and Tatebayashi city, Gunma pref. on the south. Population of the city is apx. 161,000. It covers an area of about 178 square kilometers.
Ashikaga City Tourism Association
3-6-4 Isecho (2nd floor), Ashikaga City (Ashikaga-shi), Tochigi Prefecture 326-0053, Japan Tel: 0284-43-3000 Tourist office at Ashikaga Tobu Railway Station: Tel. 0284-73-3631 Tourist office at Ashikaga Tomita Railway Station: Tel. 0284-91-0002 Ashikaga Taxi: Tel. 0284-71-1834 Fax: 0284-43-3333 HOURS: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. OPEN: Daily (except Des.28-Jan.1) ADMISSION FEES: Free ACCESS: 0.3mil. from JR Ashikaga station, 2 minutes by car, 5 minutes’ walk 0.6mil. from Tobu Ashikagashi station, 5 minutes by car, 15 minutes walk City bus (Yamanami, Seseragi) Get off at Tori-1-chome, 3 minutes’ walk City bus (Yamanami ) Get off at Ashikaga Gakko mae.
PARKING LOT: 11buses, 87cars
Ashikaga City Hall
3-2145 Honjo, Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture 326-0808, Japan
Tel: 0284-20-2222, 0284-70-5855
Tourism Exchange Division
Tel: 0284-20-2165
Fax: 0284-43-3333
Ashikaga City Official website:
Ashikaga City Tourist Association Website: (Japanese)
Ashikaga Flower Park Website:
Watarase River Garden – Nakabashi Bridge Green Belt in Ashikaga
Alongside the Watarase River, this flow from the west to the east in Ashikaga, the green belt lies. Ashikaga citizens like to visit there. Multiple-use Square is used as a parking lot for the visitors to the garden. Event Square in the garden is used variously for free market, concerts, the Ashikaga Festival the Summer Fiesta and so on.
You can look over and enjoy a large of flower garden from the Nakabashi bridge and river bank.

Ashikaga Watarase Water Park
The size of watarese’s external form – 290 yards in length, 151 feet in depth
The size of the surface of water – 1.9 acres (284 yards x 32.8 yards)
The depth of the water – The deepest spot in the area for swimming: 2.6 feet, The deepest spot in the area for children: 1.6 feet, The deepest spot in the most shallow area: 1.3 feet
Requirements purification of the water – Water circulating purification system through violet-ray screen of violet ray system.
Watarase River Office (Watarase Green Plaza)
Foundation for Culture and Sports Promotion Division as well as management of Ashikaga flowers, greenery and parks. There is meeting room, exhibition hall, Observation room, mini-theater, fish aquarium and Watarase River Museum on the 2nd floor. You can view the bridge in the distance Mt Iwai.
Watarase River Office (Watarase Green Plaza) Ashikaga Green and Park Maintenance Association Address: 661-3 Tanaka-cho, Ashikaga City (Ashikaga-shi), Tochigi Prefecture, 326-0822 Japan Tel:0284-40-1787 Fax: 0284-40-1788
Ashikaga a Tourist Information by Sunaga Tungsten Industrial Co., Ltd.:
Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce and Industry 3-2757 Tori, Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture 326-0814, Japan Tel: 0284-21-1354 Fax: 0284-21-6294
Ashikaga Agricultural Cooperatives 20 Yayoi-cho, Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture 326-0036, Japan Tel: 0284-41-7151 Fax: 0284-42-6742
Ashikaga Essential Contact Numbers
- In Case of Emergency
- Police(110)……….1 Police Phone# 110
- you get something stolen,
- you see someone injured,
- you see a traffic accident, or get involved in one,
Please call the number above. First, tell what type of matter you want to report. Then the officer will ask you details. Please stay calm and explain the situation. When it’s not urgent, please contact a local station. Ashikaga Police Station: 43-0110
- Fire and Ambulance (119)……….1 Fire and Ambulance Phone# 119
If you find a fire, or cause it carelessly, please do not extinguish it by yourself but call for help from other people. Please call for help loud and also call 119 to prevent the fire and report the address of the place, phone number and your name. You can also call 119 for ambulance when you find somebody injured.
- Earthquake……….2
Earthquakes happen frequently in Japan. When it occurs, turn the main gas source off, open the doors or windows, and secure escape routes. Don’t go out from your house or apartment right away because there may be falling objects. The best way is to stay inside of the place until it stops and stay under something like a table that can protect you. - Typhoon……….2
In Japan typhoons also often happen. Especially from the end of the summer to fall it occurs most frequently. The information for a possible typhoon will be broadcasted through radio and TV.There may be an interruption of the power supply or water when a big typhoon happens. Therefore it is a good idea to prepare candles, flashlight, radio, provision, and some water for emergency. You can also refer to earthquake information.
- Usage for Public Phone in Case of Emergency
If you can find a red button underneath a public phone, you can call 110 or 119 with no charge by pushing it.
- Police(110)……….1 Police Phone# 110
- Communication
- Telephone…………3
How to Make a Phone Call
Domestic Phone Call
When you make a phone call from outside of Ashikaga city, you first have to call with the area code 0284. When you make a phone call inside Ashikaga, there is no need for an area code.International Phone Call
For international phone calls you can either directly call or call through an operator. First you have to dial a special code and tell the operator the type of phone call you want to make according to the condition.Public Phone
Public phones are set on streets or at places like train stations and stores. Prepaid cards and coins (10yen and 100yen coin only) are usable at green and gray colored public phone. When you use 100yen coin, no change will be returned.International phone calls can be made only through public phones.
- Mail Service ………4
- Post Office There are 27post post offices in Ashikaga, and there are regular offices and special offices. Both domestic and international mail services are available at these offices
Post Office Counter Service Opening Hours:
Opening Hours Head Office Branch Offices Mon.-Fri. 9AM-7PM 9AM-5PM Saturday 9AM-3PM Closed Sun./Holiday Closed Closed - Mailing Domestic Service
It takes 50yen to send a regular post card and 80yen to send a regular sealed letter. The charge for mailing depends on the size and weight of the mail. Please address the mail on top of it.
International Service
International mail can be sent either by air or by surface. The charge for mailing depends on the size, weight, and address of the mail. It takes 70yen to send a postcard outside of Japan. - Package Domestic Service
The total of length, breadth, and height of the package have to be within 1.7 meter. The weight of the package should be under 30kg. Please write the address on the label given at the office and pay the fee.
International Service
A package can be sent either by air or surface. The charge and limitations for the package will depend on the addresses.
- Post Office There are 27post post offices in Ashikaga, and there are regular offices and special offices. Both domestic and international mail services are available at these offices
- Telephone…………3
- Public Service
- Water Supply……….6
- Electricity……….7
- Gas………………..8
- Bank………………..9
- Utility Charges……….9
- Life Guidance
- Consultation……10
- Telephone Service…10
- International Association11
- Alien Registration…11
- Automatic Issue Machine.16
- Resident Status….16
- Public Housing……16
- Consumers’ Center..17
- Funeral Hall………17
- Garbage Collection.18
- Education……….21
- Day Care Centers…21
- Schools ….22
- Children’s Centers.22
- Community Center.22
- Health …………23
- Insurance/Welfare.27
- Health Insurance…27
- Medical Subsidy….32
- National Pension…32
- Social Welfare……33
- Taxation ……….36
- Municipal & Prefectural tax…36
- National Health Insurance Tax…37
- Places to See in Ashikaga……39
- Public Facilities…….41
- Illustrated Map……44
Health Emergency Call 110 The health-line offers counseling concerning health checks, sick prevention, child growth, and child care in Japanese. Tel: 44-0110 Consultation weekdays: 9 : 00 AM – 5 : 00 PM
For more information, Health Guidance Subsection, Health Development Section, Tel: 40-3115
Emergency Medical Care (Holiday and Night Treatment)
Holiday Emergency Clinic Time: 10 : 00 AM – 4 : 00 PM
Place: Health Center ?44 – 0816
Holiday Emergency Dentistry Clinic Time: 9 : 00 AM – 12 : 00 noon
Place: Health Center ?44 – 0815
Nighttime Emergency Clinic
Time: 7 : 00PM – 10 : 00PM
Imai Hospital・☎71-0181 | Chuo Hosp.・ ☎72-8401 |
Kousei Hosp.・☎62-5511 | HonjyoKinen Hospital ☎73-1199 |
Suzuki Hosp.・☎2 1―2 8 5 4 | |
Daiichi Hosp.・☎44-1212 | Minagawa Hosp.・☎91 – 2188 |
Ashikaga City Offices Contact No.: 0284-20-2222 City Hall 0284-41-2121 Civic Hall 0284-72-8511 Civic Plaza 0284-41-2655 Ashikaga Gakko 0284-43-3131 City Museum 0284-43-3000 Taiheiki Hall 0284-41-8201 Learning Resource Center 0284-41-8881 Prefectural Library 0284-43-0536 Civic Gymnasium 0284-41-1851 Civic Martial Arts Gymnasium 0284-41-3963 General Sports Ground 0284-41-3197 Main Fire Station 0284-44-0322 Compsite Welfare Center 0284-71-1141 Local Industry Center 0284-73-1211 Consumption & Daily Life Center 0284-41-3462 Funeral Hall 0284-72-5300 South Clean Center
0284-40-3111 Health Center
Hospitals 0284-21-0121 Ashikaga Red Cross 0284-44-0815 Dental Emergency Clinic
Nighttime Emergency Clinic
0284-71-0181 Imai Hospital 0284-62-5511 Kosei Hospital 0284-21-2854 Suzuki Hospital 0284-44-1212 Daiichi Hospital 0284-72-8401 Chuoh Hospital 0284-73-1199 Honjyokinen Hospital 0284-91-2188 Minagawa Hospital
0284-91-0611 Ashikaganomori Ashikaga Hospital
Public Agencies 0284-41-5900 Ansoku Health Welfare Center 0284-41-3151 Ashikaga Tax Office 0284-42-7654 Main Ashikaga Post Office 0284-41-1188 Ashikaga Labor Standards Inspection Office 0284-41-3178 Ashikaga Public Employment Security Office 0284-43-0110 Ashikaga Main Police Station 0284-41-2332 JR Ashikaga Train Station 0284-71-1073 Tobu Ashikaga Train Station 0284-41-7191 Ashikaga Gas Inc.
0284-71-1354 Ashikaga Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Community Centers 0284-21-6144 Orihime Community Center 0284-44-0791 Sukedo Communty Center 0284-41-2574 Keno Community Centre 0284-71-0628 Yamabe Community Center 0284-21-9719 Mie Community Center 0284-62-2700 Yamamae Community Center 0284-41-5080 Kitago Community Center 0284-41-9977 Nagusa Community Center 0284-91-0002 Tomita Community Center 0284-71-2444 Yabagawa Community Center 0284-71-0296 Mikuriya Community Center 0284-71-2945 Tsukuba Community Center 0284-71-9028 Kuno Community Center 0284-71-1872 Yanada Community Center 0284-61-1431 Miwa Community Center 0284-62-1200 Hajika Community Center 0284-62-0348 Omata Community Center
0284-62-5496 Omataminami Branch Community Center